Barr Ranch Retreat, Upton County, Texas
Photo Gallery

Welcome to the Barr Ranch Retreat Photo Gallery!

If a picture is truly worth a thousand words, we hope you'll learn volumes about us through the photos linked below. We've tried to provide images from a wide variety of perspectives, but there may be some we've missed so please check back from time-to-time, especially as the scenery changes with the seasons.

Each photo is provided in two sizes, so you can choose according to your connection speed. The small images average about 30kb in size; the large images are around 100kb. Click on the applicable link to view the full-sized image. You may then navigate through the Gallery via the links beneath each image.

Note that the small thumbnail images shown below are cropped to a uniform size for this page; the larger versions of each image contain much detail that was cropped out of the thumbnail.

Thumbnail photoWalnut tree
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Thumbnail photoWindmill before a storm
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Thumbnail photoClear blue sky
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Thumbnail joins the family
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Thumbnail photoFlowers to attract hummingbirds and butterflies
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Thumbnail photoScreened porch sitting area
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Thumbnail photoOur favorite for morning coffee
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Thumbnail photoWelcome to the Barr House
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Thumbnail photoBreakfast bar or work space
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Thumbnail photoDining for four
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Thumbnail photoPerfect for an afternoon nap
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Thumbnail photoGusher Bedroom with bathroom access
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Thumbnail photoGusher Bedroom (full size bed)
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Thumbnail photoBluebonnet Bedroom (queen bed)
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Thumbnail photoStagecoach Bedroom (queen bed)
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Thumbnail photoGusher Bedroom - Reading area
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Thumbnail photoBathroom
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Thumbnail photoWild turkey
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Thumbnail photoStocked with soft drinks, juice and water
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Thumbnail photoView from the back porch
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Thumbnail photoWinter sunrise
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Thumbnail photoWinter sunset
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Barr Ranch Retreat
P.O. Box 14668, Odessa, Texas 79768
Owners: Ann and Stan Smith
Phone: 432-553-0720 | Email